Services Offered
Pediatric Chiropractic
Chiropractic care for your children offers your family a solid foundation for wellness. Chiropractic care for kids is a gentle and non-invasive therapy that works to correct underlying issues before they become hard-wired during development. Adjustments are very relaxing and children often fall asleep following treatment.
Prenatal Chiropractic

Dr. Brytani provides safe, controlled and gentle care during pregnancy. Dr. Brytani is certified in the Webster Technique. The Webster Technique is a specific chiropractic analysis and diversified adjustment. The technique looks at removing interference in the spine, pelvis, and surrounding muscles and ligaments by gentle adjustments.
Chiropractic For All Ages

Dr. Brytani treats from birth to elderly and everyone in between. Whether you have a chronic issue or a new injury, Dr. Brytani can treat you.
Dry Needling

Dry needling uses fine filament needles inserted into areas of the body to control pain and treat neuro-muscular-skeletal conditions. Dry needling targets muscular trigger points or tender points which you may think of as knots. These areas of tight and contracted muscle tissue are the cause of pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion. The insertion of the fine needle causes the body to react to this area by stimulating blood flow to the area and promoting relaxation and healing of the muscle tissue.
Cupping Therapy

Benefits of cupping therapy:
- reduce tension in the muscles
- ease muscle pain
- increase circulation
- encourage tissue to release toxins
- relieve stress
Cupping is beneficial for those with chronic and acute injuries, especially athletes.
Kinesiology Taping

KT Tape has many different taping standards and protocols with the goal of easing the pain and stress on the body. KT Tape can help with pain and inflammation with all injuries, new and old. It can be used during pregnancy as a supportive measure and a way to decrease swelling in the joints.